the first stone

If you feel like any of the content here is infringing on yr copy and or birthrights, please let me know before you flag it, I can remove the link. However, please understand that all shared content here is mp3 recordings of well used 45s, and in no way outshine an original/authorized mp3 version of the song.


All mixes are cut into individual tracks that have id3 tags. You just download the .zip file and drag the tracks into iTunes and they will play as a mix or separately.

Friday, November 25, 2011

CAN- Halleluwah vs. DSCHINGHIS KAHN- Dschinghis Kahn

I haven't been posting many individual singles as of late, but I just felt the need to demonstrate how much West Germany in the 70's was a hell of a drug...

This Can single I have been hoisting high above my head since I found it at the Platten Pedro record store in Berlin (prices are high, but plenty o' raritease). Not much needs to be said here about "Halleluwah" except that once again any Can purists will be disappointed by the truncation of the edit (not to mention the mix), but goddamnit! The fact that this exists makes me happy to be alive! "Turtles Have Short Legs", a non-album track is also quite amazing, though I agree it would stick out on Tago Mago. Here is a good review from Head Heritage.

Can- "Halleluwah"

Can- "Turtles Have Short Legs"

Then, well there is Dschinghis Khan.

It doesn't get better than this video from the Eurovision Contest (4th place!!!) in 1979::>

Could have said it better myself. Their song "Moskau" was even an international hit, but believe me neither song hits no matter how ironically themed the night is. Better play it for disapproving friends while dancing wildly in yr living room late one night after the bars close.

Dschinghis Khan- "Dschinghis Khan"

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