the first stone

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We often only think of Dick Hyman as the Moog guy (as this track represents), but in fact he was a very accomplished jazz and classical musician. The sad truth may be that we already had enough of those so he had to branch out into making these space age (for the late 60's) recordings for the Command label. His oeuvre is such that it spans everything from this experimental synth pop to tribute albums for bix beiderbeck and fats waller often accompanied by some heavy jazz cats from many generations. Still, this song is just goofy and fun, and gives a pretty good idea of what a titty bar on corfu must be like. I love the space pistol sounds, by far one of my fav sound effects.

Dick Hyman and his Electric Eclectics- "Topless Dancers of Corfu"

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